Accredited Online Colleges – Guide to earning credit before college
Addiction Treatment Centers – A map of Addiction treatment centers and rehab centers located across the United States.
All Kids Covered Program, State of Illinois – Making health care a reality for hundreds of thousands of families across the state.
American Legion Post 88 – Welcome to Lawrence Riddle Post 88 – Mattoon, Illinois.
Annuities Assistance for Veterans – Assistance available for Veterans and their families to learn and understand the options available to them.
Avoid Mobile Scams – How to recognize and avoid scams that are aimed at mobile devices.
Better Business Bureau (BBB) – Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois
Bureau of Labor Statistics – The official resource to help businesses quickly find compliance information, forms and contacts from multiple U.S. government web sites.
The Business Continuity Institute – Provides resources and tools to assist business and data managers.
Census Factfinder – Get a Fact Sheet for your community… – Information from the U.S. Census Bureau – The Official Site of Mattoon Illinois
Coles County Fair – Illinois’ oldest continuous County Fair since 1854
Coles County Memorial Airport – The Coles County Memorial Airport (MTO) has been serving the general aviation community for over 50 years. Construction of the public airport started in 1951 and was completed the following year. Formal dedication in 1953 recognized the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who served in the Korean Conflict.
Community Online Resource Directory (CORD) – What is CORD? CORD is a listing of various diverse area agencies and a detailed explanation of the programs they provide. CORD is one of six initiatives identified in 1998 during a seven county community health needs assessment process – the development phase of the Sarah Bush Lincoln Womens and Children’s Center. The five other projects include: Free Dental Clinic; Medication Assistance Program; Adult Day Care; Mobile Preventive Health Screens and Prenatal and Postnatal Education.
Consumer Price Index – Provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.
Department of Labor Employment & Training – Labor Market Information, Welfare to Work, Employment Training Programs, Workforce Development
Environmental Protection Agency – The EPA protects human health and safeguard the natural environment – air, water and land – upon which life depends. In addition to protecting the environment through regulations, they lead the nation’s environmental science, research, education and assessment efforts. EPA works to make a cleaner environment a reality.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Discrimination by Type: Facts and Guidance; Laws, Regulations and Guidance; Training and Outreach
Expertise – Expertise guide to local marketing.
Federal Citizen Information Center – The Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC), in the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies provides U.S. government information and services directly to the public. It currently offers a variety of information channels, including websites, web chat, telephone, print, social media and email.
Federal Consumer Information Center – Order FREE and low cost federal consumer publications from the Federal Citizen Information Center at GSA from Operated by the FCIC, U.S. General Services Administration, it serves as a central source of information about federal government publications helpful to citizens.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – Contains various types of bank data, quarterly financial reports, comparisons of individual banks with each other and aggregate statistics.
Federal Emergency Management Agency – Works to reduce loss of life and property and to protect America’s critical infrastructure from all types of hazards through a comprehensive emergency management program.
Federal Employer ID Number – Step-by-step Online Application for Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) as well as important information regarding EIN.
Federal Trade Commission – The FTC deals with issues that touch the economic life of every American. It is the only federal agency with both consumer protection and competition jurisdiction in broad sectors of the economy. The FTC pursues vigorous and effective law enforcement; advances consumers interests by sharing its expertise with federal and state legislatures and U.S. and international government agencies; develops policy and research tools through hearings, workshops, and conferences; and creates practical and plain-language educational programs for consumers and businesses in a global marketplace with constantly changing technologies.
Fighting SPAM E-mail – This website has information about the Federal Trade Commission’s recent law enforcement actions against deceptive commercial email and spammers’ responsibilities under the CAN-SPAM law. In the “For Consumers” section, you’ll find tips on how to reduce the amount of spam email in your in-box.
Hoover’s – Summarizes key information on hundreds of America’s largest employers.
IECC Business & Industry Services – Business and Industry Services provide customized training to small, medium, and large businesses and industries throughout a 12-county area of the IECC District. Training classes are offered at the convenience of the business and industry work schedule, which means flexible class times, locations, and length of training.
Illinois Attorney General – Satellite Office-1518 Broadway Avenue, Mattoon, IL 61938
Illinois Bureau of Tourism – Mile after magnificent mile
Illinois Business Information – All state information – forms and resources for business
Illinois Chamber of Commerce – Resource & legislative information for Illinois businesses. – Illinois Commerce Commission
Illinois Department of Agriculture – The Illinois Department of Agricultures vision is to promote and regulate agriculture in a manner which encourages farming and agribusiness while protecting Illinois consumers and our natural resources.
Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity – The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is charged with enhancing Illinois’ economic competitiveness by providing technical and financial assistance to businesses, local governments, workers and families. – Illinois Department of Commerce/Community Affairs
Illinois Department of Employment Security – Your direct link to Illinois workforce services: job placement and referrals, unemployment insurance, employment and training programs, career and labor market information, payroll tax filing, and more!
Illinois Department of Labor – The mission of the Illinois Department of Labor is to promote and protect the rights, wages, welfare, working conditions, safety and health of Illinois workers through enforcement of the state labor laws, to safeguard the public through regulation of amusement rides, and to ensure compliance with all other labor standards.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Fox Ridge State Park, in east-central Illinois is known for its steep, thickly wooded ridges, broad, lush valleys and miles of rugged, scenic hiking trails and covers 2,064 acres…
Illinois Department of Revenue – Business Registration, Retailers Occupation Tax Number, Resale Certificate Number – Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
Illinois Driver’s License Handbook
Illinois Farm Bureau – Illinois Farm Bureau is a membership organization controlled by farmers who join IFB® through their county Farm Bureau.
Illinois General Assembly – Bill Status & Text, Public Acts, Schedules
Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs – This interesting site provides data on local governments. By selecting a county from the electronic atlas, users can obtain a list of commonly requested information. On the following level, cities selected in the designated county will provide additional information.
Illinois Secretary of State – The programs in the Secretary of State’s office are an important tool for educating citizens about issues that affect their everyday lives.
Illinois Secretary of State Business Service Department – A comprehensive site for Illinois Businesses Incorporation Assistance. – Illinois Senate Democrats – Illinois Senate Republicans
Illinois Office of Management and Budget – Fiscal Year Budget and Related Materials for the State of Illinois
Illinois State Library – Find-It! Illinois, the Illinois State Library’s one-stop source for Illinois library, government and educational information.
State of Illinois – The communities in Illinois are as diverse as the state’s landscape. Explore the culture, people, history and natural wonders from region to region.
Illinois State Police – Official Illinois State Police Website.
IndustryNet™ – Searchable database buyers guide of 600,000 U.S. manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and services. Locate manufacturing products, services and suppliers among 10,000 product categories.
International Trade Centre – The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.
IRS – The Internal Revenue Service is the nation’s tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress.
Lake Land College – Lake Land College main campus located in Mattoon, with community locations in Paris, Pana, Marshall and Effingham, providing an affordable, accessible, and effective learning environment for the lifelong educational needs of the diverse communities served.
Lake Land College Career Services Manager – The Career Servies Manager (CSM) is a free service provided to individuals and businesses. Individuals can sign up to post resumes and search through job listings. Businesses and employers can sign up in order to post job openings that will reach over 1400 users.
Lake Mattoon & Lake Paradise – Web page featuring beautiful Lake Mattoon & Lake Paradise.
Mattoon Community Unit #2 Schools – “Making a difference…One student at a time.”
Mattoon Parks Department – Known as “Baseball Capital of the World”…
Minority Business Development Agency – U.S. Department of Commerce encourages the creation, growth, and expansion of minority-owned businesses in the United States through special business resources and services.
National Do Not Call Registry – The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free.
Nursing Home Negligence – Within our nursing homes and assisted living facilities, nearly 10%, or roughly 150,000 seniors experience elder abuse each year. Many of these cases go unreported, although some of them can be quite serious and even result in the death of a loved one. Nursing home abuse in the United States has turned into an epidemic. Our seniors and loved ones are at risk of elder abuse each and every day.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) – US Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health -Office Of The Governor– Earn credits before going to college – Free Internet Fact Checker – Reference, Fact, News – Family-Friendly Resources
Salary Wizard – Skills management software for human capital management and to build skills inventories. Features company profile, and details of solutions
Social Security – Official Social Security Website
Social Security – Faces and Facts of Disability
Society for Human Resource Management – The leading professional organization for employment practitioners and staffing professionals.
TradeRoots – TradePort is a repository of free information and resources for businesses involved in all aspects of global trade. Created in 1996, TradePort is supported by an alliance of public and private sector trade promotion service organizations in California that assist businesses and their foreign counterparts in bilateral trade and investment opportunities.
United States Census Bureau – The newest data-warehousing and rollout tool for all types of census information across the United States
United States Department of Justice: Sex Offender Public Registry – This Web site is provided as a public service by the U.S. Department of Justice.
United States House of Representatives – Official website for the United States House of Representatives
United States Senate – Official website for the United States Senate – United States Chamber of Commerce
United States Department of Commerce – Trade Center Information
United States Department of Labor – Laws and regulations, statistics and date
United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) – Information on PTO’s services and databases to search for similar invention patents. – United States Postal Service Official Website
United States Small Business Administration – Small Business Law & Regulations. You don’t have to be a lawyer to open and run a small business. Find out how to handle day-to-day legal issues that could affect your small business.
United States Treasury Department – Office of Procurement, Small Business Assistance, Internal Revenue Service, Taxpayer Education